Common Questions
We are always available to answer your questions and encourage you to contact our office if you have a question that is not answered below.
When to Call the Physician on Call
Often when our physicians are on-call for medical emergencies they hear from parents who say they are not sure whether they should have called or waited until the office opens. We want to take excellent care of your kids. So when a true emergency does arise, we want to be available to you. You can help us do that by knowing when to call the doctor for an after-hours emergency and when to seek treatment during normal office hours.
If you think your child is experiencing an emergency or you are uncertain, please call. If it is not an emergency, we kindly ask that you allow the physician to remain available for children who need the doctor's immediate attention. The following list will help you make that decision.
- Serious injury from a fall or other type of accident
- Acting strangely or becoming more withdrawn and less alert
- Trouble with breathing
- Bleeding that does not stop
- Skin or lips that look blue or purple (or gray for darker-skinned children)
- Rhythmical jerking and loss of consciousness (a seizure)
- Unconsciousness
- Very loose or knocked-out teeth, or other major mouth or facial injuries
- Increasing or severe persistent pain
- Persistent pain in the right lower section of the abdomen
- A cut or burn that is large or deep
- A head injury involving loss of consciousness, confusion, a bad headache, or vomiting several times
- Decreasing responsiveness when you talk to your child
- Fever greater than 100.4 degrees rectally in a child less than 2 months of age
Medication Dosing Information
Dosing charts for common over-the-counter medications.
Tylenol and Ibuprofen Dosing Charts for Infants and Children
More Information on Tylenol
More Information on Ibuprofen
Benadryl Dosing Chart Children
More Information on Benadryl
How long will my Prescription take once I call it in?
A return call will be made within 2 days (for routine medications) to 7 days (for controlled medications) to let you know if the refill was completed or if additional information is needed.
Plan ahead when requesting your refills so you don’t run out of important medications. Refills can be taken care of during an office visit with your provider or through our office refill line.
More Prescription Refill information can be found here.