Lactation Services

At Northeast Cincinnati Pediatrics we are here to support mothers and babies from the very beginning.

We are pleased to have certified lactation consultants with over 15 years of extensive experience in breastfeeding counseling. In addition, they have been providing pediatric primary care for over 20 years. Laurie Freese and Kierstin Ullom are committed to the moms and babies of Northeast Pediatrics; ensuring they receive the best breastfeeding support possible.

Quick Tips:

  • Feed your baby often. Newborns typically feed 10-12 times a day.
  • Get your baby to breast as soon as you can after delivery.
  • Breastfeeding should not be painful.
  • If you are struggling with breastfeeding or have concerns, reach out for help. Here at NECP, we like to see breastfed babies in the office by day three.
  • It helps to have a support system such as spouses, partners, families and friends to help during the time you are establishing a breastfeeding routine.
  • If you don’t see yellow seedy stools by day 4, check in with the office.
  • Bottles and pacifiers will potentially interrupt the breastfeeding process. It is recommended not to use until you and your baby have established a consistent breastfeeding routine.

Breastfeeding Services:

  • Latching difficulties
  • Low Milk Supply
  • Painful Latch
  • Sore Nipples - breast pain
  • Poor Weight Gain
  • Tongue Tie
  • Education
  • Breast Feeding multiples

Breastfeeding Visits:

Breastfeeding visits are scheduled typically for 60 minutes. This allows for opportunities to determine the needs of both mom and baby. We will observe feeding, weigh your baby (both prior to and after the feeding), as well as assist in developing a family centered breastfeeding plan.


To schedule consultation you can call any of our office locations and our services are provided in either the Mason or Lebanon office. Our goal is to see you within 24 hours.

